Jessica Romeo
I am Jessica Romeo, Nutritionist/Chef and Owner of I am also a military wife and mother to 3 adventurous and active kids. As a Chef and Nutritionist with a degree in Culinary Arts and a B.S. in Nutrition Science, creating and cooking healthy and delicious food is my primary passion, followed by a love for fitness. When I am not spending time with my family outside being active, or in the kitchen cooking, you can find me in a spinning class or in the weight room.
One thing many people do not know about me is that I am formerly obese. On the brink of diabetes and heart disease at the age of 20, December 25th 2002, I stepped on the scale and read 242 pounds it was right then that I decided that life was too short to keep living this way. After years of bad food habits and lifestyle habits, I made a choice to change the path that I was headed on. By paying better attention to what I ate and going on walks with my husband and daughter, the weight came off quickly at first. After losing 20-30 pounds and hitting a plateau for awhile I decided to take things more seriously. I joined a gym and became active in step aerobics, running and lifting weights. While doing this I also started tracking my food and decided to try and make better food choices. I finally cut out soda and most sweets, this helped me to drop more body fat and gain muscle. The confidence I gained from these improvements in my health motivated me to go to culinary school so I could learn how to cook in such a way that food would be a tool to shape a healthy and better version of myself. By learning how to pick out the right foods, and determining the best way to cook them I learned how to turn such things as brussels sprouts and broccoli into delicious masterpieces. Developing a healthy relationship with food was key for changing my diet even further. By eliminating processed foods and instead filling my plate with lots of vegetables, meats, healthy fats, as well as a little fruit here and there, I started seeing more changes to my skin, muscle tone, and I even dropped additional body fat. I graduated Culinary school and hit my weight goal all in the same week in May of 2009. From here I decided to pursue my love for food even further, by way of Nutrition Science. Now not only am I able to make better food choices for myself, but I can also help others achieve their health goals. This has always been a passion of mine.
From a formerly obese wife and mother to a fit and happy Chef/Nutritionist, I now have energy to chase after my 3 active kids, cook ALL the time, hike the Grand Canyon with my husband, paddle board in the ocean, run away from a tiger if need be. Most of all I enjoy life again. Having the confidence to get up and live a life with purpose is what I have gained most out of this journey.